Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Reformed Gadfly: Rick Warren: Asks for Allah's Forgiveness

The Reformed Gadfly: Rick Warren: Asks for Allah's Forgiveness: "Rick Warren, Senior 'Pastor' and 'wolf-in-sheep's clothing' of Saddleback Church, committed open apostasy. Note that he wasn't the only one. He just happens to be a very influential person in what I reluctantly call 'evangelicalism'. Bill Hybels signed it as well as his other liberal friend, Robert Schuller and a host of other Christian 'wannabes'."

Monday, November 22, 2010

CONSTITUTIONAL referendum to "recognise the special place of our first peoples"?

John Stone reminds us why a constitutional amendment to "recognise the special place of our first peoples" is a load of PC nonsense. Click to read editorial:

The Book Nobody Knows, 1926:

"In the 18th century, that vitriolic genius, Voltaire, spoke of the Bible as a short-lived book.
He said that within a hundred years it would pass from common use. Not many people read Voltaire today, but his house has been packed with Bibles as a depot of a Bible society."